Friday, September 16, 2005
West of Ireland (Burren Area)

After GD2005 we had organized a day trip for the participants. I also jumped to the oppurtunity and had a wonderful one day guided tour of the west of of Ireland, along the coast of the Atlantic. During the trip I not only saw some beautiful locations but also leant about the history, geology and economics of the area. Below are some of the pictures. First is the cliffs of moher and a watch tower on it.

Saturday, September 10, 2005
First photography for a custommer

Here is my first photography for a "customer". This is one of the two crystal that will be given to the invited speakers. For some purpose one of the guys on the pc wanted to have its pictures posted on the website. And since I also have responsibility to do the photography at the conference so I also took these pics.
It was a difficult task. Inside the light destryoed the image and after some trails and error and advice from peter edes i got these two pictures. I am pretty happy with the results.